======= Roadmap ======= A few ideas how to develop the project further, currently a list as a reminder for the main developers themselves, in no particular order, though with a tendency to list more important aspects first: For version 0.2 =============== * Report task: Add figure captions to context if available * Remaining basic processing and analysis steps, such as algebra with datasets, slice extraction for >2D datasets, peak finding, SNR determination, denoising, filtering, noise, cut dataset and axis (to common range) * Normalising over parts of a dataset * :meth:`aspecd.processing.ProcessingStep._set_defaults()` method called before :meth:`aspecd.processing.ProcessingStep._sanitise_parameters` * Importer with parameters in recipe (*e.g.*, for CSV importer) * Expand use cases * Plot task: default filename for saved figure For later versions ================== * Reporter: Method for adding dict representations of datasets to context * Report task: Operating on recipes, *i.e.* report on all tasks in a recipe * Report task: Adding arbitrary dict representations of properties of datasets/results to context * Default report templates for each type of processing/analysis task Includes deciding where to store these templates, whether to have them stored in different directories for different languages, and alike. Ideally, templates should be copied to a user-accessible directory for modifying there. * Templates for creating derived packages * Logging * Tabular representations of characteristics extracted from datasets * Plotter: Factory to create single plots of each given dataset. Probably needs a way to create default filenames (e.g. label + date?). Todos ===== A list of todos, extracted from the code and documentation itself, and only meant as convenience for the main developers. Ideally, this list will be empty at some point. .. todolist::