========= Changelog ========= This page contains a summary of changes between the official ASpecD releases. Only the biggest changes are listed here. A complete and detailed log of all changes is available through the `GitHub Repository Browser `_. Version 0.12.0 ============== Released 2024-12-22 **Note:** This version comes with a new version of the recipe format: 0.3. Existing recipes are updated automatically on import. New features ------------ * I/O * Importer logs warning if importing did not populate data array in dataset. * Plotting * Attribute ``clim`` in :class:`aspecd.plotting.SurfaceProperties` * Parameter ``threshold`` for determining the levels of a contour plot in class :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter2D` * Attributes ``number_of_colors`` and ``first_color`` in :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlot1DProperties`: Fixed number of elements from colormap, to have same colour succession in plots with different number of curves if a colormap is specified, and potential offset in colormap if starting with white/a light colour. * Attributes ``norm`` and ``norm_parameters`` in :class:`aspecd.plotting.SurfaceProperties`. * Plot annotations * Parameter ``units`` in :class:`aspecd.annotation.Text`, :class:`aspecd.annotation.Marker`, :class:`aspecd.annotation.VerticalLine`, :class:`aspecd.annotation.HorizontalLine`, :class:`aspecd.annotation.VerticalSpan`, and :class:`aspecd.annotation.HorizontalSpan` allowing to position using axes rather than data coordinates. * Processing * :class:`aspecd.processing.SliceRearrangement` for rearranging slices of a dataset along one dimension. * :class:`aspecd.processing.DatasetAlgebra` operates on a list of datasets, allowing to add/subtract multiple datasets from a given dataset. * :class:`aspecd.processing.Denoising1DSVD` for denoising 1D datasets using singular value decomposition. * Tasks * Functions ``add`` and ``multiply`` for properties of tasks in recipes. * New default setting ``number_of_colors`` on recipe level: Fixed number of elements from colormap, to have same colour succession in plots with different number of curves if a colormap is specified. * Tasks can be marked as to be skipped, using the ``skip`` keyword on the top level of the task definition in a recipe. Changes ------- * Recipe structure changed slightly: The ``settings`` dictionary has a new sub-dictionary ``colors``, and the ``default_colormap`` key moved there, together with the new keys ``number_of_colors`` and ``first_color``. * **New recipe format version: 0.3**. * Existing recipes are updated automatically on import. * Figure properties (see :class:`aspecd.plotting.FigureProperties`) are applied to the figure *before* the actual plotting is done, as some plotters need to know the (final) figure size or else. * Axes properties (see :class:`aspecd.plotting.AxesProperties`) are applied to the axes *before* the actual plotting is done, as some plotters need to know the (final) axes limits or else. Fixes ----- * Plotter with colorbar work with recipes (no longer recursion in ``to_dict()``) * :class:`aspecd.processing.SliceRemoval` handles lists properly * :class:`aspecd.processing.SliceRemoval` removes value(s) from corresponding axis * :class:`aspecd.processing.Averaging` handles inverted axes (*e.g.*, ppm scale) correctly regardless how ranges are given * :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlot1DProperties` handles explicit colours of individual drawings correctly. Updated requirements -------------------- * bibrecord >= 0.2 Version 0.11.0 ============== Released 2024-10-17 New features ------------ * Plotting * :class:`aspecd.plotting.PatchProperties` for properties of patches, as used for :class:`aspecd.annotation.VerticalSpan` and :class:`aspecd.annotation.HorizontalSpan`. * :class:`aspecd.plotting.AnnotationProperties` and :class:`aspecd.plotting.AnnotationTextProperties` for properties of text annotations with lines, as used for :class:`aspecd.annotation.TextWithLine`. * :class:`aspecd.plotting.AxesProperties` has new attributes ``frame_on``, ``xlabelposition``, and ``ylabelposition``. * :class:`aspecd.plotting.Spines` and :class:`aspecd.plotting.SpineProperties` for controlling spine properties of axes. * :class:`aspecd.plotting.MarkerProperties` for properties of markers, as used for :class:`aspecd.annotation.Marker`. * Plot annotations * :class:`aspecd.annotation.VerticalSpan` for adding vertical spans (rectangles) to plot(ter)s * :class:`aspecd.annotation.HorizontalSpan` for adding horizontal spans (rectangles) to plot(ter)s * :class:`aspecd.annotation.TextWithLine` for adding text with additional lines * :class:`aspecd.annotation.Marker` for adding markers to plot(ter)s * :class:`aspecd.annotation.FillBetween` for colouring the surface below a curve. * Analysis * :class:`aspecd.analysis.PeakFinding` can return both, peak positions and intensities, as pairs, ready to be used in :class:`aspecd.annotation.TextWithLine` annotations. * :class:`aspecd.analysis.CentreOfMass` for calculating the centre of mass for ND datasets. * IO * :class:`aspecd.io.TxtImporter` has an additional parameter ``axis`` specifying which column to use for axis values when reading 2D data. (`#6 `_) Changes ------- * Plotting: Default figure size in :class:`aspecd.plotting.FigureProperties` set to ``None`` to allow setting from matplotlibrc to take effect. *Without adjustments, this may change the size (and aspect ratio) of your figures from 6x4 inches to 6.4x4.8 inches.* Fixes ----- * CompositePlotter operates on copies of plotters. * Plot task writes correct filename for each plotter if results is used. * PlotannotationTask saves properties to recipe history. * PlotannotationTask can be applied to plotter and stored for later use as result at the same time. * Text plot annotation with scalar y position set to zero works. Version 0.10.1 ============== Released 2024-08-13 Fixes ----- * CompositePlotter shares axes correctly Version 0.10.0 ============== Released 2024-08-10 New features ------------ * Plotting * Set individual properties for each of the lines of a :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter2DStacked` * Conveniently set identical properties for all lines of :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter2DStacked` and :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlotter1D` * :class:`aspecd.plotting.TextProperties` * :class:`aspecd.plotting.DrawingProperties` has attribute ``zorder``. * :class:`aspecd.plotting.SubplotGridSpecs` for properties of the subplot grid of a CompositePlotter. * :class:`aspecd.plotting.CompositePlotter` allows to share *x* and *y* axes. * Plot annotations * :class:`aspecd.annotations.Text` for text annotations to plot(ter)s * Tasks * :class:`aspecd.tasks.SingleplotTask` allows to set as many results as datasets, to allow for adding an individual plotter (for one of the datasets) to a :class:`aspecd.tasks.CompositeplotTask`. (`#3 `_) * Models * :class:`aspecd.model.Voigtian` for creating Voigt profiles frequently used in spectroscopy to describe line shapes. Fixes ----- * Tasks * :class:`aspecd.tasks.MultiplotTask` preserves order of datasets the task is applied to, regardless whether the datasets are originally imported or result from prior tasks (via ``result`` property). (`#2 `_) * :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Recipe.get_datasets` preserves order of datasets, regardless whether the datasets are originally imported or result from prior tasks (via ``result`` property). * :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Chef.cook` closes open figures. * Plotting * :class:`CompositePlotter` does not add additional drawings any more to the plotters used. (`#5 `_) Version 0.9.3 ============= Released 2024-07-22 Fixes ----- * Correct method for area normalization: take number of points into account. * Adjust stacking in ``SinglePlotter2DStacked`` for data with larger minima than maxima. * Templates for LaTeX dataset report: escape ``_`` and ``#`` in dataset label. * Axis labels can be removed by setting one or both of ``xlabel`` and ``ylabel`` to ``None`` (or ``null`` in YAML/recipe). Version 0.9.2 ============= Released 2024-03-24 Fixes ----- * Revert changes in :class:`aspecd.utils.ToDictMixin` from version 0.9.1, as it caused problems with Matplotlib. * Updates on contour plots to work with Matplotlib 3.8 * Updates to prevent deprecation warning for NumPy 1.25 * :class:`aspecd.processing.RangeExtraction` extracts correct range for axis values. Version 0.9.1 ============= Released 2024-01-15 Fixes ----- * :class:`aspecd.utils.ToDictMixin` does no longer modify the ``__dict__`` or ``__odict__`` property of a class directly, what may have resulted in unexpected behaviour, but operates on a (deep)copy. Changes ------- * Use Black for automatic code formatting Version 0.9.0 ============= Released 2024-01-13 New features ------------ * Processing steps * :class:`aspecd.processing.CommonRangeExtraction` works for *N*\ D datasets with arbitrary dimension *N* * Plotting * Legend title can be set from recipes * New attribute :attr:`aspecd.plotting.AxesProperties.invert` for inverting axes. Helpful, *e.g.*, for plotting FTIR data without having to resort to explicitly provide descending axis limits. * Setting font size of axes labels via ``label_fontsize`` property. * Colorbar for 2D plotter * Annotations for plots For details, see :ref:`the documentation of plot annotations <:sec:annotation:plot>` and the :mod:`aspecd.annotation` module. * Device data * New property :attr:`aspecd.dataset.Dataset.device_data` for storing additional/secondary (monitoring) data. * New class :class:`aspecd.dataset.DeviceData` for device data. * New class :class:`aspecd.analysis.DeviceDataExtraction` for extracting device data from a dataset as a separate dataset. This allows to proceed with the extracted datasets as with any other dataset. * New class :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiDeviceDataPlotter1D` for plotting multiple device data of a single dataset. * New parameter ``device_data`` in :class:`aspecd.plotting.Plotter` for plotting device data rather than primary data of a dataset/datasets * Logging * New function :func:`aspecd.utils.get_logger` to get a logger object for a given module with the logger within the hierarchy of the ASpecD root logger. Important for packages derived from the ASpecD framework in order to get their log messages being captured, *e.g.* during recipe-driven data analysis. Changes ------- * Plotters can now handle device data instead of the primary data of a dataset (see above). This means, however, that instead of accessing ``self.dataset.data`` (or ``self.datasets[#].data``), plotters need to access ``self.data.data`` (or ``self.data[#].data``) instead. **Authors of derived packages should update their plotters accordingly.** See the :ref:`hints for developers on device data in the plotting module `. * Serving recipes logs messages from all ASpecD modules, not only from the :mod:`aspecd.tasks` module. * :class:`aspecd.io.DatasetImporterFactory` logs warning if no concrete importer could be found for a given dataset, as this will usually result in (sometimes hard to detect) downstream problems. * :class:`aspecd.io.DatasetExporter` adds a history record to :attr:`aspecd.dataset.Dataset.tasks`. * :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter1D` and :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlotter1D` issue warning with log plotters and negative values. * :class:`aspecd.annotation.DatasetAnnotation` has been renamed from ``Annotation`` to reflect the fact that there are now plot annotations as well. Documentation ------------- * New example: :doc:`Plotting FTIR spectra normalised to spectral feature ` * Section with :ref:`general tips and tricks for styling plotters `. Fixes ----- * :meth:`aspecd.utils.ToDictMixin.to_dict` does not traverse settings for properties to exclude and include. * Workaround for :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig` not correctly handling figure DPI settings. Version 0.8.3 ============= Released 2023-09-08 Fixes ----- * Exporter tasks (:class:`aspecd.tasks.ExportTask`) automatically save datasets with default name if no target is provided. * Correct setting of contour plot properties with newer versions of Matplotlib Changes ------- * :class:`aspecd.processing.Interpolation` changed interpolation method for 2D data from deprecated :class:`scipy.interpolate.interp2d` to :class:`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` New features ------------ * :class:`aspecd.processing.Interpolation` works for *N*\ D datasets with arbitrary dimension *N* * :class:`aspecd.tasks.Recipe` with new setting ``autosave_datasets`` (default: ``True``) Version 0.8.2 ============= Released 2023-08-24 Fixes ----- * Handling of too long filenames when saving plots: the filename is replaced by its MD5 hash. New features ------------ * New setting ``default_colormap`` in recipes. * Property ``colormap`` in :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlot2DProperties`, allowing for consistently setting (default) colormaps for 2D surface plots within a recipe. Version 0.8.1 ============= Released 2023-08-11 Documentation ------------- * New section on :doc:`metadata during data acquisition ` * New section with :doc:`examples ` * New section with :doc:`data publications ` Fixes ----- * Baseline correction in :class:`aspecd.processing.BaselineCorrection` issues warning if more than 100% of the data are used and resets to 50% on each side. * Recipe history contains importer parameters Version 0.8.0 ============= Released 2023-03-26 New features ------------ * Plotting * MultiPlotter1D can use colormaps for coloring multiple lines * Number of columns can be set for legends of plots * Processing steps * New class :class:`aspecd.processing.SliceRemoval` for removing slices from a ND dataset with N>1. * New class :class:`aspecd.processing.RelativeAxis` for converting an axis into a relative axis, centred about a (given) origin. Fixes ----- * Interpolation in :class:`aspecd.processing.Interpolation` works correctly if axis range is given and no corresponding axis point exists in the original dataset. Version 0.7.1 ============= Released 2022-06-12 New features ------------ * Reference to publication in documentation and colophon of reports. Version 0.7.0 ============= Released 2022-01-30 New features ------------ * :class:`aspecd.tasks.FigurereportTask` for creating figure captions that can, *e.g.*, be included in other documents * Attributes ``labelspacing`` and ``fontsize`` in :class:`aspecd.plotting.LegendProperties` * Attribute ``output`` in :class:`aspecd.tasks.ModelTask` controlling the type of output returned (dataset or model) * Method :meth:`aspecd.model.Model.evaluate` for fast evaluation of models without any checks (useful in context of fitting) * Attribute ``dataset_type`` in :class:`aspecd.analysis.AnalysisStep` to define type of calculated dataset that gets returned * :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlotter1D` and :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlotter1DStacked` with parameter "tight" for tight axes and "switch_axes" for switching axes * :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter1D` with parameter "switch_axes" for switching axes * :class:`aspecd.plotting.AxesProperties`: angles of the axes tick labels can be set using the ``xticklabelangle`` and ``yticklabelangle`` properties Changes ------- * :class:`aspecd.processing.SliceExtraction` sets dataset label to slice position * :class:`aspecd.processing.Averaging` sets dataset label to averaging range Fixes ----- * Dataset importer does not override dataset label. * AnalysisSteps assign data to _origdata attribute if result is dataset * MultiprocessingTask correctly sets label of resulting datasets Version 0.6.4 ============= Released 2021-11-25 Changes ------- * New attribute ``comment`` in :class:`aspecd.tasks.Task`, :class:`aspecd.report.Reporter`, :class:`aspecd.plotting.Plotter`, :class:`aspecd.io.DatasetExporter` allowing for storing user-supplied comments Fixes ----- * Warnings issued during cooking of a recipe are now log messages. Version 0.6.3 ============= Released 2021-11-24 Changes ------- * :class:`aspecd.report.Reporter` adds template loader for package if :attr:`aspecd.report.Reporter.package` is provided, allowing to override templates from the ASpecD framework within derived packages. * :class:`aspecd.tasks.ReportTask` passes through the default package from the recipe to the reporter for overriding templates. * :class:`aspecd.infofile.Infofile`: Comment gets converted into a single string * Dependency change: Jinja >= 3.0 * :class:`aspecd.io.TxtImporter` handles decimal separator different than dot Fixes ----- * :class:`aspecd.tasks.Task` warns if key in dict (recipe) is no property of the task. * :class:`aspecd.processing.DatasetAlgebra` returns shape in error message if shapes differ. * Processing and analysis tasks issue warning if result name is identical to dataset label * Ensure window length for Savitzky-Golay filter in :class:`aspecd.processing.Filtering` to always be odd * :class:`aspecd.processing.CommonRangeExtraction` ignores unit of last axis (*i.e.*, intensity) when checking for identical units * :class:`aspecd.utils.ToDictMixin`: Added superclass call to preserve mro in dependent subclasses * Tasks properly handle non-dataset results from recipe * :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlotter` sets axis labels when units are empty * :class:`aspecd.processing.Normalisation` removes unit from last axis * :class:`aspecd.processing.BaselineCorrection` handles zero values in range properly * :class:`aspecd.analysis.AggregateAnalysisStep` no longer adds ``datasets`` and ``result`` to output of ``to_dict()`` * :class:`aspecd.tasks.AggregatedAnalysisTask` sets correct type in output of ``to_dict()`` * :class:`aspecd.tasks.ReportTask` does not add empty figure filenames to includes * :class:`aspecd.Tasks.PlotTask` preserves labels of drawings * Recipe history does not contain path to current directory in dataset source Version 0.6.2 ============= Released 2021-11-16 Changes ------- * New parameter ``ytickcount`` for :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter2DStacked` to control maximum number of yticks * New parameter ``tight_layout`` for :class:`aspecd.plotting.Plotter` to prevent labels from getting clipped Fixes ----- * Recipe containing a MultiplotTask does not contain datasets as dicts * PlotTask with automatically generated filenames and >1 datasets writes correct filenames to figure record in recipe * CompositePlotter sets plot style of plotters * Grammar in ``dataset.tex`` template * Colophon of report via ReportTask contains default package set in recipe * CompositePlotter does not add plotters of subfigures to list of dataset representations and list of dataset tasks * Escaping of "_" in LaTeX templates Version 0.6.1 ============= Released 2021-11-10 Fixes ----- * ReportTask works with output directory set in recipe * LatexReporter finds templates with relative path * Yaml handles numpy floats and ints * ProcessingTask handles multiple datasets, SinglePlotTask automatically generated figure filenames with multiple datasets * ProcessingTask no longer tries to deep-copy matplotlib objects * Replacing dataset labels in recipes works with dataset ids/source Version 0.6.0 ============= Released 2021-11-05 New features ------------ * Reports * Templates for reporting information contained in datasets come bundled with ASpecD. * Context contains ``templates_dir`` allowing to include sub-templates. * New class :class:`TxtReporter` for plain text reports * Tasks/Recipe-driven data analysis * YAML representation of recipe and tasks via :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Recipe.to_yaml` and :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Task.to_yaml` * Figure labels can be set in plotters; otherwise a default label will be set and can be accessed from within reports. * Utils * :func:`change_working_dir` can be used as context manager to temporarily change the working directory. * General * :meth:`aspecd.utils.ToDictMixin.to_dict` can optionally remove keys with empty values. * ``to_dict()`` method in :class:`aspecd.processing.ProcessingStep`, :class:`aspecd.analysis.AnalysisStep`, :class:`aspecd.annotation.Annotation`, :class:`aspecd.plotting.Plotter`, :class:`aspecd.table.Table`, :class:`aspecd.report.Reporter`, :class:`aspecd.model.Model` * Models * Axes quantities and units can be explicitly set on model creation. Changes ------- * Dataset labels do not contain source path. * Recipe dataset_source and output directories are no longer converted to absolute paths. * More complete recipe history for tasks, including more of their properties * Recipe-driven data analysis: Figures get added to recipe with default label if no label is provided. * :class:`aspecd.processing.Noise`: explicit noise amplitude can be given. * Model can add label to created dataset. * ModelTask adds result label as id to result. * Plotter: Default figure size changed to (6., 4.) inch Fixes ----- * :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Task.to_yaml` serialises numpy arrays * Datasets from foreign packages are correctly listed in recipe history * :func:`aspecd.utils.copy_keys_between_dicts` properly traverses * :class:`aspecd.utils.Yaml` handles :class:`numpy.double` * Recipe-driven data analysis: automatically generated figure filenames get added to recipe figure record * Models work now correctly when based on a dataset * :class:`aspecd.model.FamilyOfCurves` sets correct values for additional axis * :class:`aspecd.processing.Differentiation` works correctly for 2D datasets * :class:`aspecd.processing.Noise`: normalisation works with >1D datasets * :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter2DStacked`: ylabel is set to third axis if offset = 0 Version 0.5.0 ============= Released 2021-10-12 New features ------------ * Tasks/Recipe-driven data analysis * YAML representation of tasks and recipes using :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Task.to_yaml` and :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Recipe.to_yaml` - convenience methods for later use in guided recipe generation * :class:`aspecd.tasks.AggregatedanalysisTask` for performing a SingleAnalysisStep on a series of datasets, aggregating the result in a CalculatedDataset * :class:`aspecd.tasks.TabulateTask` for tabular representation of data of a dataset * Datasets * New attribute :attr:`aspecd.dataset.Axis.index` (for individual labels for each data point, similar to pandas and for tabular data) * :meth:`aspecd.dataset.Dataset.tabulate` to create tables from datasets * Analysis steps * New class :class:`aspecd.analysis.AggregatedAnalysisStep` for aggregating the results of a SingleAnalysisStep on multiple datasets in a CalculatedDataset * Tabular representation of datasets * New module :mod:`aspecd.table` * Series of output formats for tables (including DokuWiki and LaTeX) * Tables can have captions that are output as well * Utils * :func:`aspecd.utils.get_package_data` for obtaining package data (*i.e.*, non-code files contained in distribution) Changes ------- * :class:`aspecd.analysis.BasicCharacteristics` always returns scalars or lists in its results and writes index (for compatibility with :class:`aspecd.analysis.AggregatedAnalysisStep` and tabular output). Version 0.4.0 ============= Released 2021-10-08 **Note**: Starting with this release ASpecD requires **Python >= 3.7**. New features ------------ * Tasks/Recipe-driven data analysis * New attribute :attr:`aspecd.tasks.PlotTask.target` allows adding a plot to an already existing plot. * :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Task.to_dict` adds (implicit) parameters of underlying task object * Classes from the ASpecD framework can be used without prefixing them with "aspecd" in recipes with "default_package" set to a package based on the ASpecD framework. * ``serve`` command outputs log messages for each task * Command-line options for ``serve`` setting the log level/verbosity * Catching of errors, excluding the stack trace and only showing the error message (but full stack trace in verbose mode) * Switch in recipe to suppress writing history (for development/debugging, issuing warning on the command line via logging) * New structure of recipes: Move ``default_package`` and ``autosave_plots`` to new dict ``settings``; ``output_directory`` and ``datasets_source_directory`` to new dict ``directories`` * Add ``format`` dict to recipe with fields ``type`` and ``version`` * Automatically convert old recipe formats within :class:`aspecd.io.RecipeYamlImporter` * Processing steps writing parameters during execution and applied to multiple datasetes are unpacked in the recipe history if these parameters change for each dataset * References in processing and analysis steps and models (using bibrecord package) Version 0.3.1 ============= Released 2021-09-21 The following bugs have been fixed: * Handling of lists as properties in recipes * Improved handling of axes labels with xkcd style * Offset in SinglePlotter2DStacked can be set to zero Version 0.3.0 ============= Released 2021-09-02 **Note**: This is the last ASpecD release with explicit support for Python 3.5. New features ------------ * Processing steps * Adding (coloured) noise to datasets (:class:`aspecd.processing.Noise`) * Provide a new range of axis values for a dataset for correction (:class:`aspecd.processing.ChangeAxesValues`) * Analysis steps * Power spectral density of 1D dataset (:class:`aspecd.analysis.PowerDensitySpectrum`), *e.g.*, for analysing noise * Polynomial fit of 1D data (:class:`aspecd.analysis.PolynomialFit`) * Linear regression of 1D data without fitting the intercept (:class:`aspecd.analysis.LinearRegressionWithFixedIntercept`) * Additional methods in :class:`aspecd.analysis.BlindSNREstimation` * Class :class:`aspecd.model.Model` * New attribute :attr:`aspecd.model.Model.description` * New non-public method ``_sanitise_parameters`` * New models * :class:`aspecd.model.Polynomial` for evaluating polynomials (*e.g.*, as obtained using :class:`aspecd.analysis.PolynomialFit`) * :class:`aspecd.model.Zeros` * :class:`aspecd.model.Ones` * :class:`aspecd.model.Gaussian` * :class:`aspecd.model.NormalisedGaussian` * :class:`aspecd.model.Lorentzian` * :class:`aspecd.model.NormalisedLorentzian` * :class:`aspecd.model.Sine` * :class:`aspecd.model.Exponential` * :class:`aspecd.model.CompositeModel` for models consisting of a (weighted) sum of individual models * :class:`aspecd.model.FamilyOfCurves` for inspecting systematic variations of one parameter of a given model * Tasks * Comments can be added easily to processing and analysis steps using the top-level key ``comment`` of the respective task. * Utils * :func:`aspecd.utils.not_zero` ensuring a float not to cause DivisionByZero errors Changes ------- * :class:`aspecd.processing.Differentiation` uses :func:`numpy.gradient` instead of :func:`numpy.diff` * :class:`aspecd.processing.BaselineCorrection` returns polynomial coefficients in unscaled data domain Fixes ----- * Axis labels without "/" if no unit is present * :class:`aspecd.metadata.Measurement` handles dates imported from YAML (implicitly converted into datetime.date object) Version 0.2.2 ============= Released 2021-06-19 The following bugs have been fixed: * Normalisation to minimum now divides by absolute value of minimum * Normalisation raises ValueError in case of unknown kind * Import with explicit importer when importer resides in (sub)package * Recipe history shortens dataset source if dataset_source_directory has trailing slash Version 0.2.1 ============= Released 2021-06-03 The following bugs have been fixed: * Report: template can have ".." in its path * :func:`aspecd.utils.copy_values_between_dicts` cascades through source dict * Add missing template files for sphinx multiversion Additionally, the following new helper functions appeared: * :func:`aspecd.utils.remove_empty_values_from_dict` * :func:`aspecd.utils.convert_keys_to_variable_names` Version 0.2.0 ============= Released 2021-05-19 New features ------------ * Singleplot and multiplot tasks automatically save results to generic file(s) when no filename is provided * Importer and importer parameters can be set in recipe * DatasetImporterFactory: importer can be set explicitly, parameters can be passed to importers * DatasetImporter with parameters property * Meaningful error messages for exceptions in ProcessingSteps, AnalysisSteps, Plotters * Method ``create_dataset()`` in AnalysisStep * PeakFinding (for 1D data) * BlindSNREstimation (currently only with simplest method) * BasicStatistics (mean, median, std, var) * BasicCharacteristics (min, max, amplitude, area) * ProcessingStep provides non-public method ``_set_defaults()`` for setting default parameters before sanitising parameters. * Filtering (with uniform, Gaussian, and Savitzky-Golay filter) * Interpolation (at least for 1D and 2D datasets) * Normalisation: * Act on parts of the data of a dataset * Handle noise for ND data with N>1 * RangeExtraction: extract range of data from dataset (using slice notation) * MultiprocessingTask (and SingleprocessingTask aliasing ProcessingTask) * ScalarAxisAlgebra: perform scalar algebra on axis values * DatasetAlgebra: add and subtract data of second dataset to/from dataset * CommonRangeExtraction for 1D and 2D datasets * SinglePlotter2D: * Filled contour plot with additional contour lines that can be styled * Lines of contour plot can be styled * SliceExtraction now handles both, axis indices and axis values Changes ------- * Removed parameter ``source`` from method ``_get_importer`` in DatasetImporterFactory, importer factories of derived packages now handle ASpecD-implemented importers by default. * Dataset: method :meth:`aspecd.dataset.append_history_record` made public * SystemInfo: Packages contain now full list of dependencies with version numbers of currently installed packages * SliceExtraction: * parameter "index" renamed to "position" * works for ND datasets with N>1 * ProcessingStep split into SingleProcessingStep and MultiProcessingStep All processing steps previously inheriting from aspecd.ProcessingStep need to inherit now from aspecd.SingleProcessingStep to continue working as expected. * Plots throw "NotApplicableToDataset" exceptions rather than "PlotNotApplicableToDataset" Fixes ----- * SingleanalysisTask assigns results of multiple (individual) datasets * Exceptions print messages New dependencies ---------------- * scipy (for interpolation in ExtractCommonRange and various analysis steps) Version 0.1.1 ============= Released 2021-05-03 The following bugs have been fixed: * MetadataMapper: Fix sequence of mapping operations performed * MetadataMapper: Mappings are automatically loaded from file if filename is given * CompositePlotter: Legends for subplots work * SliceExtraction: Remove correct axis from dataset * MultiPlotter1D*: Fix problem in conjunction with CompositePlotter and assigning drawings * SliceExtraction: fix problem extracting slice with index zero * CompositePlotter: more intuitive axes_positions * Fix bug with aspect ratio of 2D plots using imshow * Update intersphinx mapping for matplotlib Version 0.1.0 ============= Released 2021-04-24 * First public release * List of generally applicable concrete processing steps * List of generally applicable concrete plotters * Recipe-driven data analysis fully working with history * Introduced ASpecD dataset format (ADF) Version 0.1.0.dev280 ==================== Released 2019-06-14 * First public pre-release on PyPI